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Speeches Shim

USAID Dominican Republic is supporting Dominicans’ journey to self-reliance.
USAID Dominican Republic is supporting Dominicans’ journey to self-reliance.
Thomas Cristofoletti for USAID

USAID has been working in the Dominican Republic for over 60 years to assist the country in its development journey. USAID programs have served to meet the basic needs of citizens, improve health and education, and strengthen the public and private sector.

Over the decades, USAID has supported public and private investment in education, public administration, tax administration, public safety, health, irrigation, agriculture and rural development, and job creation. USAID has also promoted trade through regulatory reform and market-oriented policies, and helped diversify exports, especially non-traditional crops. It proudly supported the establishment of the first free trade zones in the Dominican Republic, now home to the country's major employers, exporters, and foreign exchange producers. Other programming priorities have been supporting disaster relief, health and HIV/AIDS programming, and strengthening governance institutions.  

Today, USAID is helping to build a more secure and prosperous Dominican Republic that advances local, transboundary and regional resilience.

Last updated: May 31, 2022

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