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HIV/AIDS epidemic controlled and other public health threats decreased

Speeches Shim

Close-up of the hands of a nurse that hold the hands of a patient while performing a HIV blood test.
HIV prevention and public health efforts guarantee a better society and work towards a better future.
Thomas Cristofoletti for USAID.

As one of the U.S. Government agencies implementing the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program, USAID works with the Dominican Government, as well as with non-governmental and community-based organizations, to control the HIV epidemic. Through close collaboration, the PEPFAR program has been able to effectively mobilize, coordinate, and efficiently utilize resources to expand high-impact strategies. The program increases the availability of testing, improves connection and retention of persons living with HIV into care and treatment services, increases viral suppression, and works to reduce the number of newly HIV-infected individuals. 

In order to accomplish the PEPFAR strategy, USAID supports a portfolio with strategic, scientifically sound investments to rapidly scale-up core HIV prevention, treatment, and care interventions to maximize impact. In addition, USAID provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Health to strengthen supply chain management and improve deployment and job performance of HIV service provision staff. Support is also targeted to improve the access and quality of HIV service delivery and incorporates a response component for victims of gender-based violence (a key at-risk population).

USAID activities focus on populations at the highest risk of HIV infection. The provision of comprehensive, population-tailored HIV prevention, care, and treatment services for key populations is crucial to increasing its impact. 

Last updated: September 01, 2021

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