Flag of Yemen

Our Work

Speeches Shim

Beneficiaries of Mercy Corps Food for Peace Program
Beneficiaries of Mercy Corps Food for Peace Program
Mercy Corps for USAID


In addition to the crisis response and humanitarian assistance provided by the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and Food For Peace, USAID’s development assistance to Yemen addresses the underlying causes of instability in the country by supporting flexible and innovative programs to lay a stronger foundation for durable peace.

As a result of the ongoing civil war, Yemen is suffering the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. USAID is working with international and local partners to rebuild key social and economic institutions, help address the underlying causes of instability, and build the foundation for durable peace and prosperity to foster Yemen’s future resilience.




USAID’s Governance, Peace and Stability activities operate at the district and community levels. These activities bring together local government authorities and community members to find solutions to localized sources of conflict and grievances, strengthen local institutions, organizations, and actors to meet citizens’ needs, serve as neutral arbitrators and peace-builders, foster social cohesion and reignite pride in commonalities. All activities are inclusive, integrating women, youth and other marginalized groups into the development and implementation of initiatives including small grants advancing local level peace and women’s empowerment and community service delivery projects. USAID is also piloting stabilization methodologies and initiatives in four targeted areas. Should a peace agreement be reached, this portfolio will also support peace and reconciliation processes and strengthen linkages between national and sub-national governance bodies.


USAID supports the Central Bank of Yemen and the Ministry of Finance in instituting prioritized macroeconomic reforms needed to stabilize a collapsing economy and reestablish a functioning trade regime. USAID programs also enable Yemenis to improve their economic and food security by improving fish and farm productivity and market linkages that support small and medium-sized enterprises that increase employment and income.


USAID is reaching the most vulnerable children in Yemen and providing critical support to help the education system withstand the immediate impact of the crisis. In partnership with the Ministry of Education, USAID’s education programming addresses the immediate needs of education service delivery, and the long-term objective of rebuilding a functioning education system.


USAID increases access to high-quality health services, with a focus on reproductive, maternal, and child health.


USAID improves access to safe water and sanitation systems for vulnerable populations and increases their knowledge of hygiene practices. In addition, USAID is building the institutional capacity of water and sanitation service providers to operate and maintain service delivery.

Last updated: July 11, 2022

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