Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance

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USAID’s Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance program supports U.S. national security objectives, contributing to human capacity and institutional strengthening in all development sectors.


A major part of USAID’s story is the millions of host country nationals that have participated in exchange visitor programs throughout the years. In fact, almost all USAID development assistance includes some type of international exchanges. To support country, regional and sector development objectives, USAID sponsors U.S.-based exchange visitor programs for host country nationals. The Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance program is a central management function that enables USAID to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements associated with sponsoring foreign nationals who come to the United States. This function aligns with the U.S. National Security Strategy and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 authorizing the U.S. government to conduct educational and cultural exchanges, which strengthens the capacity and commitment of host-country nationals to address development challenges in their respective countries.



The Training and Exchanges Automated Management System (TEAMS) supports USAID Exchange Visitor Visa Compliance. USAID Missions and Implementing Partners use TEAMS, a web-based data system, to collect and produce information and reports on exchange visitor programs across all development sectors. The TEAMS User Resource Page contains the TEAMS User Manual and Tutorials. Login to TEAMS at, and send questions to the TEAMS helpdesk at


Archiving of ADS Chapter 253, Participant Training for Capacity Development

Last updated: June 24, 2021

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