Bureau for Global Health

Speeches Shim

Investments in global health protect Americans at home and abroad, save lives, strengthen fragile states, and promote social and economic progress. USAID’s global health efforts, grounded in investments in health systems strengthening and breakthrough innovation, are focused around three strategic priorities: Preventing child and maternal deaths; controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and combating infectious diseases.

As the Agency’s lead in responding to these critical priorities, the Bureau for Global Health, headquartered in Washington, D.C., comprises nine offices that support the technical and programmatic needs of USAID’s global health efforts around the world.

  • The Office of the Assistant Administrator provides oversight of all global health programs, support to the field, research, legislative relations, and external affairs. The Office also houses the Center for Innovation and Impact, which supports breakthrough innovations, applies market-based approaches, and advances efforts in digital health, private sector engagement, and human-centered design in order to maximize the impact of its global health work.
  • The Office of Country Support provides strategic technical and programmatic assistance for USAID’s global health efforts overseas and facilitates communications between field offices and headquarters, including regional bureaus, ensuring a coordinated response to global health priorities across the Agency.
  • The Office of Health Systems works across the Bureau’s global health programs and is responsible for technical leadership and direction in health systems strengthening, enabling countries to address complex health challenges and protect against extreme poverty.
  • The Office of HIV/AIDS drives the Agency’s efforts under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFPAR) in controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic by providing technical leadership, monitoring impact, ensuring program integrity, and supporting the transition to local partners.
  • The Office of Infectious Disease operates as the Agency's lead for infectious diseases and manages prevention, mitigation and control programs for tuberculosis (TB), neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), malaria through the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), and emerging threats in global health security.
  • The Office of Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition functions as the Agency's technical and policy lead on maternal and child health, newborn health, immunization, nutrition, and water, sanitation, and hygiene, and plays a leading role in the Agency goal of preventing child and maternal deaths.
  • The Office of Policy, Programs, and Planning guides strategic planning, budgeting, programming, and procurement functions, and is integrally involved in providing leadership in resource allocation as well as performance monitoring and evaluation.
  • The Office of Population and Reproductive Health provides strategic direction as well as technical leadership and support to field programs in population, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health.
  • The Office of Professional Development and Management Support provides professional staff development to employees as well as personnel, administration, and management functions to maintain the Bureau’s workforce and operational efficiency.
Atul Gawande
Assistant Administrator
Natasha Bilimoria
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Melissa Jones
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Bio Image
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Julie Wallace
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator
Dr. David Walton
U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator

Last updated: September 22, 2022

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