Delivering Results

Speeches Shim

Reliable access to safe water and sanitation saves lives, improves livelihoods, and makes communities more resilient. Investments in water security, sanitation and hygiene are critical for progress in nearly all aspects of global development. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, more people have access to safe drinking water, safely managed sanitation services, and basic hygiene services than ever before. USAID’s Water for the World programs work every day with governments, other local stakeholders, and partners to make it possible to get universal access by 2030.

USAID’s assistance has resulted in millions of people gaining access to hygiene facilities and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services during a time the world is being altered by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and increasing conflicts. Learn more in the 2020 Annual Water and Development Report and explore the 2020 Results Map.

USAID by the Numbers

59.5 million people have gained access to a sustainable drinking water service since 2008. 68% gained first time access to water services. 51% were women and girls. 44.6million people have gained access to a sustainable sanitation service since 2008. 90% gained first time access to sanitation services. 51% were women and girls. USAID exceeds US Global water stratedy tagets ahead of schedule

Last updated: April 06, 2022

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