USAID Weekly

Speeches Shim

The USAID Weekly Wrap Up video showcases the week in photos from around the Agency.

Current Weekly Wrap-Up:

Video Transcript 
USAID is providing an additional $4.5 billion in direct budgetary support
to the Government of Ukraine.

These funds will allow the Government of Ukraine to continue providing
essential services to its people, including social and financial assistance.

Administrator Power visited Colombia to attend the Inauguration of
President Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego.

While there, she met with environmental defenders working to protect
biodiversity, advance climate action, and enhance rural development.

Newly assigned USAID leadership met with Administrator Power to
discuss how they will guide USAID’s inclusive development efforts.

USAID announced $!5 million for the United Nations Central Emergency
Response fund to mitigate food insecurity challenges in the Horn of Africa.


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Previous Weekly Wrap Ups:

Last updated: August 12, 2022

June 17, 2022

Administrator Power delivered a speech, “A Global Revolution of Dignity,” calling on the world to unite behind democracy. She shared how USAID is reinventing the playbook to fight corruption and strengthen global democracy. At a USAID-hosted food security event at the Summit of the Americas, Administrator Power announced $331 million to address food security. This new funding will meet immediate and long-term food security needs in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. USAID’s Anti-Corruption Task Force traveled to Madagascar to discuss USAID’s continued support for anti-corruption efforts. In one week, USAID’s humanitarian partners sent over 1,100 trucks to Tigray with essential items like food and medicine. As the humanitarian situation in Tigray remains dire, USAID and partners continue working to surge critical support.

June 3, 2022

USAID celebrated the start of Pride Month by raising the Pride flag in the USAID lobby. USAID proudly stands in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ partners leading the fight for equal rights around the world. Vice President Harris announced the first-of-its-kind White House Action Plan on Global Water Security. Administrator Power joined the Vice President to share how USAID will continue to improve sustainable access to water globally. USAID formed a new partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to combat climate change in Central Asia. Michele Sumilas, lead of the Policy, Planning, and Learning Bureau, traveled to Kenya to meet with Mission staff about localization efforts. Her team spoke with local partners in Kenya to hear how USAID can better build local development that lasts.

May 27, 2022

Administrator Power delivered remarks at the Society for International Development–US Annual Conference. She spoke about the importance of shifting old power structures in the development sector to open the pathway for locally led development. Deputy Administrator Paloma Adams Allen traveled to Timor-Leste to meet Mission staff and learn about their work with local actors. Executive Director of USAID's COVID-19 Task Force Jeremy Konyndyk led a delegation to two Global VAX surge countries - Tanzania & Zambia. Due to ongoing Global VAX support, vaccine uptake in the Tanzanian region of Dodoma has increased by more than 20% in just 4 months. Administrator Power testified at the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs budget hearing. She shared the importance of investing in development to enable secure, economically prosperous, and democratic global communities.

May 20, 2022

Administrator Power testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about USAID’s 2023 budget request. She shared how USAID fights corruption to support democracy, enable localization, and ensure American tax dollars land in the right hands. Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman traveled to Berlin, Germany to attend the G7 Development Ministerial Meeting. She met with world leaders to discuss collective approaches to mitigating the global food security crisis and ongoing humanitarian crises. Global Health lead Atul Gawande participated in a Washington Post Live discussion on health equity and COVID-19 vaccines. He highlighted the necessity of sustained global vaccine support to ensure everyone has equitable access to life-saving COVID-19 vaccines. The UN Security Council convened a Ministerial on Food Security in New York to address the growing crisis. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced an additional $215 million funded by USAID to expand food security operations in several countries.

May 13, 2022

Administrator Power testified on USAID’s 2023 budget before the House Appropriations and Senate Foreign Relations Committees. She shared how USAID is prepared to meet growing climate, food, health, and other humanitarian crises across the world. Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman traveled to Bangladesh, Thailand, and Laos. She assessed the needs of humanitarian crises, including the Rohingya refugee crisis, and advanced US partnership with ASEAN countries. President Biden convened the second Global COVID-19 Summit to garner new commitments to continue the fight against COVID-19. Administrator Power announced that USAID is investing $20 million for test-and-treat strategies and $200 million for pandemic preparedness. Administrator Power met with agriculture leaders from the Governments of Kenya, Zambia, and Tanzania to discuss the food security impacts of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
