USAID's Digital Strategy Overview

Digital Strategy

Speeches Shim

The rapid development and adoption of digital technology is transforming how people worldwide access information, goods, and services. Digital technology has the power to spur economic growth, improve development outcomes, and lift millions out of poverty.

While digital tools hold immense potential to help people live more free and prosperous lives, they also present significant risks to citizen privacy and data, freedom of the press, and individual expression. Authoritarian governments and malign actors may wield digital tools to suppress political dissent and exploit system vulnerabilities or individuals who lack digital literacy.

USAID has released its first-ever Digital Strategy, charting an Agency-wide vision for development and humanitarian assistance in the world’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. It sets a path to equip staff, empower partners, and shape effective programming that supports partners to become self-reliant and capable of leading their own development journeys.

Building on decades of USAID leadership in digital development, the strategy outlines USAID’s deliberate and holistic commitment to improve development and humanitarian assistance outcomes through the use of digital technology and strengthen open, inclusive, and secure digital ecosystems. In doing so, the strategy charts how USAID will change the way it does business -- including embracing digital technologies by default in certain instances -- in a manner that reflects best practice and is evidence-based. Digital ecosystems, consisting of stakeholders, systems, and enabling environment, empower people and communities to use digital technology to access services, engage with others, and pursue economic opportunities in partner countries.

USAID is working toward a future where digital technology promotes inclusive growth, fosters resilient and democratic societies, and empowers all, including the most vulnerable.

For more information, view the USAID Digital Strategy.

This strategy is currently being revised. 

If you have questions or comments, contact us at

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Last updated: August 16, 2021

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