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Families receiving flour, lentils, and vegetable oil to supplement their food intake in the rural mountainous areas of Tajikistan.
Janice Setser, Mercy Corps Dushanbe
Families such as this one received  flour, lentils, and vegetable
Families such as this one received flour, lentils, and vegetable oil to supplement their food intake in the rural mountainous areas of Tajikistan.
Janice Setser, Mercy Corps Dushanbe

USAID began providing assistance to Tajikistan in 1992, soon after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union. Since that time, the American people through USAID have provided programs that assist the development of the country’s economic sector, education and health care systems, and democratic institutions. USAID provided fuel, food, heaters, clothing, household supplies, and health services to those in need though its implementing partners, becoming the largest assistance provider during Tajikistan’s humanitarian crisis.

USAID has made notable achievements over these 29 years. Currently, USAID’s assistance focuses on increasing food security through the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative by improving agricultural production and profitability as well as assisting with the country’s structural reforms for improvement of the trade and investment climate. USAID also works to strengthen local governance, support the National Education and Health Strategy, and prevent and treat HIV and tuberculosis. Recognizing the country’s role as a linchpin for regional trade and security, USAID is promoting growth and stability to benefit Tajikistan as well as the broader South and Central Asia region.

USAID operates under a bilateral agreement with the Government of Tajikistan, and is the largest single country donor organization in the country.

Last updated: August 16, 2022

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