
Speeches Shim

October 7, 2020

The Southern African Development Community (SADC), under its Harmonized Seed Regulatory System, established a regional seed catalogue and database in 2014 to serve as a central repository and registry for improved, high-quality seed.  Once on the SADC Seed Variety Catalog, registered seeds can be marketed and exported to any of the 16 SADC Member States by seed producers without additional testing or red tape. With support from USAID, the application process has been dramatically streamlined, and allows for release in two SADC countries.  Once approved by both countries, National Seed Authorities (NSA) can apply to the SADC Seed Centre for approval to the regional catalog. This means that seed producers no longer need to register their seed at the national level in each SADC Member State, but can instead focus on two national markets to gain access to all 16. In turn, this allows for increased trade of improved seed as a critical agricultural input, with the potential to drive economic growth for the region as well as increase food security and help manage changing climate conditions with greater resiliency. 

October 6, 2020

After reaching HIV epidemic control in Eswatini, USAID is pleased and celebrates the work that has been done in Eswatini through its PEPFAR partners to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.  One USAID partner, The Luke Commission (TLC), is a faith-based organization providing free, comprehensive, compassionate healthcare to underserved populations. In partnership with the Eswatini Ministry of Health, TLC serves as part of a national COVID-19 response and has screened over 50,000 patients for COVID-19 since March 2020.

June 29, 2020

I am Ts'epang Maboee, a 21- year- old, born and bred in Mafeteng district, Lesotho. We (my three beautiful sisters and I) were raised by a single mother. Our father passed away when I was only a year and a few months. I didn't get the chance to really know him.  At the age of 10, my mother also passed away, and her death left us in misery. My maternal grandmother always persuaded me to go and get tested for HIV after my mother’s death, but I was reluctant because I didn't understand why she was so concerned. On December 12, 2012, I finally decided to get tested for HIV. Well, I must admit, I wasn't nervous because I knew I had not engaged in any sexual activities. I was told while growing up that someone can only get infected with HIV if they had engaged in sexual activities with an infected person.

June 18, 2020

Fifty Zimbabwean small-holder farmers produced more than 200 MT (200,000 KILOGRAMS) sugar bean seeds to export to Mozambique in September 2020. Through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s support, these farmers now know what it takes to produce seed that is compliant with Southern African Development Community's (SADC) regulations, and they have a ready market in Mozambique. Zimbabwe Super Seeds Cooperative Company ( ZSS) Managing Director Nelson Munyaka has celebrated the moment stating, “We will continue to increase the number of ZSS seed varieties under the SADC certification scheme to make trade within the region more seamless.”

June 12, 2020

1.     Why did you want to become a community health worker?

So many people out there are suffering, and lack information and knowledge.  As a community health worker, I meet with people one-on-one, I hear about their problems and help solve them.  I show people how to stay safe from COVID-19.  I deliver HIV and TB medication to people’s houses when they need it, which helps them stay on treatment even during this time of coronavirus. 


Last updated: May 24, 2022

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