Bringing Research to Impact for Development, Global Engagement, and Utilization (BRIDGE-U)

  • University of Liberia, A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine. Photo Credit: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation

  • The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation team at Vanderbilt University. Photo Credit: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation

  • The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation team at the Sim Lab at Vanderbilt University. Photo Credit: Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation

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The Bringing Research to Impact for Development, Global Engagement, and Utilization (BRIDGE-U) program supports partnerships between higher education institutions in USAID Partner Countries and in the U.S. to develop research and innovation centers. The centers promote the effective use of research to address local and national development priorities.

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation (CTLI)

Devastated by a civil war and the Ebola pandemic, Liberia’s health system has dealt with severe resource constraints, shortages in healthcare workers, and other systemic challenges including gaps in evidence-based medical training and practices..

In 2021, Yale University, in partnership with the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences (ULCHS) and Vanderbilt University, launched the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation (CTLI) to address Liberia’s health systems challenges. By partnering with local public and private sector partners, CTLI does the following:

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Advances evidence-based teaching, patient care, and policy-making;                                                                                                                                                                               

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Creates innovative commercial applications of health-related research findings;                                                                                                                                                            

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Builds the evidence base for how research outputs can be effectively translated into program and policy change in the health sector; and                                              

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Generates sustainable financing and systems for health research and research utilization programs at ULCHS.                                                                                                   

Learn More

BRIDGE-U: Liberia Fact Sheet

USAID Announces $30 Million For Research and Innovation Centers in Central America and Africa

For more information on BRIDGE-U: Liberia, visit

Last updated: August 08, 2022

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