Impact and Progress

Speeches Shim

Every year, USAID reaches millions of pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children with nutrition interventions, particularly within the 1,000 day window of opportunity, increases the capacity of health centers to deliver lifesaving nutrition services, and trains millions of health workers on nutrition best practices. 

Achievements accomplished with USAID support

  • In areas where Feed the Future works, an estimated 3.4 million more children are not stunted.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding doubled on average across 20 priority nutrition countries between 1990-2014.
  • Since the 1960s, USAID has promoted micronutrient sufficiency with support to 34 countries on fortification of staple foods and condiments. 
  • Through our partnership with UNICEF, 2.3 million children received treatment for severe wasting in the past two years

In 2020 alone, USAID:

  • Reached 26.7 million children under five years old and 8.6 million pregnant women with nutrition programs
  • Provided more than 224,000 individuals with nutrition-related professional training 
  • Leveraged $317 million in new private sector investment to support food security and nutrition 
Related Sectors of Work 

Last updated: September 10, 2021

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