Flag of Nicaragua

Our Work

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Democracy and Governance

Under USAID’s current strategy, the Mission provides training and technical assistance to civil society organizations on international standards and best practices to effectively advocate for democratic practices and human rights. USAID’s activities seek to promote increased civic participation, particularly among marginalized groups including women, people with disabilities, LGBTIQ+, indigenous peoples, and afro-descendants. In addition, USAID provides support to independent media on investigative reporting and digital media to ensure quality independent journalism.


USAID's vision is for engaged young people who are empowered to advance their own livelihoods and the development of their countries. USAID’s youth-focused programming in Nicaragua builds resilience capacities and helps provide personal and professional growth. It also seeks to improve cognitive and communication skills to enable youth to advocate for and address their interests and security needs and become agents of change in their communities.

Humanitarian Assistance

COVID-19 response

Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, USAID worked quickly to track the spread of the outbreak and direct assistance to affected countries. To date, USAID has granted $9 million to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in Nicaragua. These resources are currently channeled through international and local organizations with experience in carrying out health and other appropriate sector activities in the country. The objective is to strengthen efforts to confront the pandemic in areas recommended by international health organizations, specifically risk communication and community participation, infection prevention and control, food security and community case management.

Hurricane response

Back-to-back devastating Hurricanes Eta and Iota hit Nicaragua, causing severe flooding, landslides, and infrastructure damages in Nicaragua. On November 8, 2020, the US Government declared a disaster for the effects of the hurricanes. According to the Government of Nicaragua’s damage report, Hurricane Iota left a total population of 3 million exposed and damages in 56 municipalities, amounting to $742 million. USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) provided $8.6 million in humanitarian assistance to address urgent needs, including water, sanitation, and nutrition. Most recently, USAID/BHA will be supporting recovery of livelihoods and income generation of artisanal fishers affected by the hurricanes in the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.

Last updated: July 07, 2022

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