Flag of Namibia

Economic Growth and Trade

Speeches Shim

In seeking to spur economic growth, Namibia has much in its favor. Among its strengths are political stability, and highly developed infrastructure by regional standards, including a port that is a gateway to southern African markets, well paved highways, and a modern telecommunications system. Moreover, the nation is rich in natural resources. It is endowed with diamonds, uranium, lead, gold, copper, zinc, prolific fisheries, yet to be exploited natural gas, and some of the most spectacular and varied scenery and wildlife in the world.

Microenterprise Development

 As a result of business-to-business partnerships and linkages with larger firms, program-supported small and medium sized businesses were able to obtain supplier credit from wholesalers, compete successfully for public and private sector tenders, and increase business transactions.

Other accomplishments

  • Commissioned the Namibia Investor Roadmap report, pinpointing administrative, procedural, and regulatory impediments deterring investment in Namibia.
  • Sponsored internships for hotel and hospitality management skills training in the U.S. for 10 under-graduate students of the Hotel Management School (Polytechnic of Namibia).
  • Through the Junior Achievement Namibia equipped about 170 000 youth (in-school and out-of-school) with skills to establish and manage small businesses. Many have become successful entrepreneurs.
  • Established Namibia’s first cotton ginning operation.
  • Enabled over 6,000 SMEs to access micro-credit.

Trade and Regulatory Reform

Through the Southern African Trade and Investment Hub, USAID increases international competitiveness, intra-regional trade, and food security throughout the Southern African community.  The Trade Hub works closely with entities to provide technical assistance to both public and private sectors. The Trade Hub's partnership with Microsoft, is helping to establish a one-stop electronic customs clearance process—or “single window”— on the Botswana-Namibia border that will allow customs agents to electronically ex­change customs declarations data, thereby reducing transaction costs and transit times between Namibia and Botswana. USAID’s vision is that the five Southern African Customs Union (SACU) countries each develop National Single Windows that would be connected through the cloud-based connectivity pro­gram into a Regional SACU Single Window.

Last updated: December 27, 2021

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