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Human Rights

Language: English | Spanish

Speeches Shim

Mural painting of a disappeared woman with her mother showing her picture.
Mural painting of a disappeared woman with her mother holding her picture.


USAID continues to improve the ability of the GOM to prevent, investigate, and prosecute human rights abuses, while strengthening civil society to hold the GOM accountable in this regard. In addition, assistance is supporting CSOs to engage actively with the GOM and the public on issues related to femicides, victims of torture, and forced disappearances. Technical expertise provided to the GOM’s National Protection Mechanism, the Specialized Attorney General’s Office for Crimes against Journalists (FEADLE) and civil society will improve accountability, effectiveness, and quality of preventative and protective measures enhancing the protection of journalists and human rights defenders. USAID also assists CSOs and networks of journalists and human rights defenders to network, form strategic alliances, and improve their advocacy and oversight of government efforts to improve protection from and prevent gross human rights abuses.

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Human Rights Fact Sheet

Last updated: October 28, 2021

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