Flag of Kyrgyz Republic

Democracy, Human Rights and Governance

Language: English | Kyrgyz | Russian

Speeches Shim

trash collection in darkhan village - kyrgyzstan

USAID has supported Kyrgyzstan’s transition from a Soviet republic to an independent democratic state since the fall of communism in the early 1990s. During this time, the country has oscillated between periods of authoritarianism, which ended in two revolutions in 2005 and 2010. Since then, a working parliamentary system was introduced as part of a concerted effort to embrace transparency, accountability, and openness throughout the government. 

Today, we assist actors and institutions working to protect democratic institutions, support human rights, and hold fair elections.

More specifically, we support efforts to improve political processes, policy formation, and service delivery. We do so in close partnership with Kyrgyzstan’s civil society, government, and the international community. 

We partner with Kyrgyzstan’s electoral management bodies to ensure fair elections. With civil society and the Parliament, we increase decision making transparency, as well as the capacity of citizens to access information.

Improving citizen access to justice and the rule of law in Kyrgyzstan is vital to the country's stability and prosperity. USAID supports reforms within the courts to reduce corruption and improve fairness for all parties. This includes increased public access to court proceedings and decisions, as well as the automation of court case distribution. 

On the local level, our programs help local governments to improve service delivery, meet citizen expectations, and create an environment that supports regional development.

USAID also supports human rights defenders and organizations who monitor human rights abuses and advocate for the protection of rights. In addition, we work with non-state, private media to help them become more viable businesses and ensure that people have access to reliable, independent, and diverse sources of information. 



Last updated: October 25, 2022

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