Bendera Indonesia

2021 USAID Indonesia Annual Report

Language: English | Indonesian

Speeches Shim

We are pleased to present USAID/Indonesia’s 2021 annual report that features the year’s results from our partnerships with the national and local governments, local leaders, the private sector, civil society, and other donors. We continue to support Indonesia as it takes steps to become an advanced, just, prosperous, and self-reliant Indo-Pacific partner. 

In the report, you will also learn more about four new USAID priorities as part of a global vision unveiled in November by Administrator Samantha Power  for a more accessible, equitable, and responsive Agency:

  1. Responding to COVID-19 and preparing for the next pandemic
  2. Adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change
  3. Fighting corruption and advancing democracy and human rights
  4. Ensuring our development assistance is equitable and inclusive

We are making progress in these areas. For example:

  • We have trained more than 6,300 health workers to help vaccinate over two million Indonesians at hundreds of mobile and temporary vaccine sites. 
  • Our programs supporting the government’s ongoing response to COVID-19 have reached 180 million people, or about two-thirds of Indonesia's population.
  • With USAID support, the government developed, adopted, and implemented 24 new tools, including laws and policies, to resolve 1.8 million hectares of land disputes in these conservation areas and protect 43 million hectares of high carbon stock forests and peatlands. 
  • Since 2017, USAID has supported government efforts to collect public feedback on basic service delivery through LAPOR, a USAID-designed and piloted integrated national complaints handling system. With LAPOR in place, the average time to settle a complaint has dropped from an average of 27 days to 11 days.
  • We trained 15,000 youth, mostly women, and 47 percent of these trainees reported having successfully launched a business or increased their incomes.

You will find many more examples and stories from across our range of programs in the illustrated pages of our report.


Last updated: August 31, 2022

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