Flag of Honduras


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USAID Heroes Comunitarios 2016 Hugo Contreras
Hugo Contreras — A USAID Community Hero in Honduras

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

In Honduras, USAID programs strengthen the participation of marginalized groups in local and national governance; increase food security for the poorest sectors of society; support renewable energy and environmental conservation; expand basic education and skills training for at-risk youth and adults; and enhance citizen access to quality public education and health services by improving the performance of local governments, authorities, and civil society.

Efforts also address citizen security through community-based crime prevention activities. USAID projects work to spur economic growth, advance social justice, improve education and health, engage the poorest members of Honduran society in the country’s development, and support public-private efforts to halt corruption and improve transparency.

Learn More:

Impact Evaluation of USAID's Crime and Violence Prevention Programs in Central America

Honduras Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2020-2025

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Janina Jaruzelski, Mission Director
Unit #2927

USAID Contact

Honduras Desk Officer

Last updated: November 17, 2022

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