Flag of Haiti

Our Work

Speeches Shim

Personnel distribute USAID hygiene kits at a Cholera Treatment Center
Personnel distribute USAID hygiene kits at a Cholera Treatment Center
Kendra Helmer/USAID

USAID/Haiti operates with the goal of building a foundation for resilience, stability, and inclusive growth.

To achieve this, USAID/Haiti will focus its programming around four development objectives: 

  • Improving Independence and accountability of GOH institutions 
  • Advancing economic and food security
  • Improving health outcomes 
  • Improving education outcomes 

USAID recognizes that accomplishing these objectives will take longer than the two year time frame covered under this Strategic Framework. USAID will continue to design its projects and activities to achieve these goals and objectives and will ensure that the project purposes, logic models,and monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks clearly identify realistic, achievable outcomes and targets.

Last updated: October 05, 2022

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