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Sustainable Landscapes

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Coffee producer in Barrio Nuevo, Chiapas, Mexico.
Isidro Zacarías Velázquez, coffee producer in Barrio Nuevo, Chiapas, Mexico. Member of Productores Orgánicos del Tacaná.
Verónica Olvera Casillas (Rainforest Alliance)

USAID supports the Government of Mexico’s development and climate priorities through a series of programs and partnerships promoting  natural climate solutions and energy efficiency.


USAID supports Mexico’s goal to achieve zero deforestation by 2030 and meet its international environmental commitments. Nearly half of Mexico is covered by forest - a total of 88 million hectares. A total of 66% of Mexico’s forests are managed by communities with collective land tenure arrangements, such as ejidos, and the rest is on private and public lands. Mexico lost an average of more than 280 thousand hectares of forest per year during the last 3 years. The causes of this deforestation are due to agricultural expansion, cattle ranching, illegal logging, and urbanization, amongst others. 

USAID works primarily in the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Jalisco with GOM agencies including the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and the National Forestry Commission. USAID also engages with non-governmental stakeholders, including the private sector, environmental NGOs, community forest enterprises, and local communities. Activities include promoting sustainable land use management and increasing income sources from community- based enterprises. In addition, USAID supports the development of markets for forest-carbon credits, improved forest monitoring systems, reducing the negative impacts of forest fires, and supporting regional land management entities.


Energy efficiency measures are often among the most cost-effective ways to reduce GHG emissions in Mexico. USAID is planning to support energy efficiency collaboration at the subnational level with counterparts in city and state governments and the private sector to reduce energy consumption and cost. USAID, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory System, plans to partner with subnational groups on commercial and municipal building efficiency. USAID will also explore scaling up renewable energy technical assistance and technologies in partnership with U.S. and Mexican companies, as well as subnational governments.

Reduced Deforestation, Better Land Management, And Improved Livelihoods Fact Sheet

Last updated: March 16, 2022

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