Our Stories | Ethiopia

Speeches Shim

Last updated: January 28, 2021

October 8, 2020

Dasash Guade was born prematurely at 32 weeks in Durbete hospital in Amhara region, after her mother, Alemayehu, was admitted to the hospital suffering from antepartum hemorrhage—a major cause of death among women and newborns in Ethiopia. Born at just 2 pounds -- or 0.9 kilograms -- Dasash’s young life was in imminent danger. Her organs were not fully developed and she could not breathe without assistance. 

September 14, 2020

Misra Mohamed and Hassam Ahmed have been married for four years and have been blessed with two children--Hakima, their four-year-old daughter, and baby boy Zakir, who is just six months old. Like every mother, Misra wants nothing more in life than to help her children grow up to be strong and healthy so they are able to fulfill their dreams; and like every mother, she receives a lot of information on how to raise healthy children, whether it is neighborly advice from other mothers in the community, or from family members.

May 19, 2020

Access to accurate information is critical in curbing misinformation about COVID-19, helping people understand their individual rights and liberties, and ultimately helping Ethiopians keep themselves safe and prevent the spread of the virus. “The ignorance we have seen on coronavirus worries us,” say Ermias and Getu who live in the city of Dire Dawa.

May 15, 2020

On May 14, 2020, Ethiopian coffee producer Nigussie Gemeda Mude was announced as the winner of the inaugural Cup of Excellence Ethiopia coffee competition with his Sidama sun-dried natural coffee, which scored 91.04 out of 100 possible points in the nationwide competition and beat out more than 1,400 entries from across the country.