Strategic Framework: Haiti

Speeches Shim

USAID/Haiti’s goal for the 2020-2024 Strategic Framework is: “Haitians are more engaged in creating and sustaining a more resilient, prosperous, and democratic future.” Under this goal, USAID/Haiti will pursue three interconnected Development Objectives (DO) that work at the individual, community, and system levels.

  • DO1: Haiti is more resilient to environmental, political, and economic shocks and stresses
  • DO2: More inclusive, locally-driven economic growth and social development advanced
  • DO3: Governance that is more responsive to citizens needs

This Strategic Framework (SF) acknowledges the multifaceted and interconnected nature of challenges in Haiti. It takes an integrated approach to development programming, explicitly seeking to leverage efforts across sectors, include the widest possible array of stakeholders, and generate sustainable positive momentum. In the four-year period of this SF, USAID expects measurable results that indicate an improved ability for Haitians to be active and positive participants in shaping the direction of Haiti’s development path.

USAID/Haiti’s SF represents a significant strategic and tactical change, emphasizing a resilience-based approach and re-balancing engagements at the national, regional, and local levels. This approach lays the groundwork for the development of a complete Country Development Cooperation Strategy and aims to generate measurable progress toward sustainable outcomes led by Haitians themselves. As ongoing threats undermine stability in Haiti, the emphasis on resilience in this SF is especially relevant, as the effects of economic restrictions, particularly for those in the informal economy, and limitations in the nutritional supply chain, have exacerbated hunger and poverty for a population already experiencing extreme vulnerability.

Across the portfolio, the Mission will work with committed and results-focused partners, including with the private sector, across Haiti’s rich landscape of development stakeholders to successfully implement this integrated, locally driven strategy. Strengthened private sector engagement recognizes the private sector as a key player in resilience, locally driven economic growth, and governance. The Mission will seek opportunities to leverage private sector resources, co-identify challenges, and co-create solutions.

The strategic shift to focus on local resilience, growth, and systems also means a redefined relationship with Government of Haiti entities, elevating local and municipal entities where measurable changes in capacity can lead to specific examples of commitment that directly benefit Haitians. The local lens also necessitates partnering with a wide range of new and underutilized partners, such as civil society organizations, faith based organizations, and diaspora groups, that have existing resources; local networks; and specialized expertise that can help reinforce the impact of USAID’s activities in the field.

Implementation of the SF will support women’s economic empowerment, advance democratic values, work to incorporate the principles of procurement reform, help to mitigate the effects of climate change, and support Haiti as it develops the capacity and resilience to respond and recover from shocks and stresses.

Issuing Country 
Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 11:30am

Last updated: September 14, 2022