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Speeches Shim

School children during reading analysis conducted at primary schools in Djibouti. USAID
School children during reading analysis conducted at primary schools in Djibouti.

In FY 2010, USAID launched a four-year education program assisting the Ministry of Education to develop a national teacher-training plan; the program trained over 1,200 primary-school teachers. To promote the education of girls in primary and middle schools, USAID partners revised textbooks for gender neutrality, and developed a mentoring program for girls.  USAID also supported Parent-Teacher Associations; provided small grants to establish a dozen school libraries; strengthened governance in over 100 school management committees; helped produce the Ministry of Education’s Annual Statistics Manual with improved data and graphics; and provided job training to 120 out-of-school youth (half of whom were women).  Working with Djibouti's Ministry of Education, USAID:

  • developed a national teacher training plan and trained over 1,200 primary school teachers,
  • created a strategy to improve access and retention of girls in school,
  • revised textbooks using a gender lens,
  • linked secondary school girls with university mentors,
  • and supported the creation of parent-teacher associations to identify school priorities.

USAID also strengthened governance among 112 school management committees, helping produce the Ministry's annual statistical manual with improved data and graphics, and providing job training to out-of-school youth.

A solicitation for a USAID-funded Djibouti Early Grade Reading Activity is currently under procurement.  The Activity will build upon USAID’s experience and lessons learned in Djibouti to address reading deficiencies in primary education. In addition to improving reading instruction, the project will also enhance community participation in early grade reading and improve the policy environment to support evidence-based reading instruction.

Last updated: September 28, 2020

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