Flag of Colombia


Language: English | Spanish
Integra Project (English Subtitles)
Integra Project (English Subtitles)
Breeding of native stingless bees to protect the flooded savannas of Colombia
Breeding of native stingless bees to protect the flooded savannas of Colombia
Conoce los resultados mas importantes de nuestra alianza Yuca Amarga para una Dulce Leche
Check out the most important results of our Bitter Cassava for a Sweet Milk alliance

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

About Colombia

Colombia is a middle-income country and one of the oldest democracies in Latin America. However, it has endured nearly half a century of intense armed conflict, perpetuated by widespread illegal drug production and trafficking.

Longstanding violence and instability is rooted in territorial control by illegal armed groups and terrorist organizations, and a large internally displaced population. In response, the Government of Colombia is working to re-establish state control in various areas through a phased approach combining security, counter-narcotics, and economic and social development.

USAID supports government and citizen efforts in Colombia to promote economic prosperity through the licit economy; improve the living conditions of victims of violence and vulnerable groups, including Afro-Colombians and indigenous peoples; promote respect for human rights and rule of law; and address climate change and environmental issues in one of the most ecologically diverse countries in the world.

USAID does not solicit beneficiaries for funds for the implementation of development activities. If anyone receives a letter or other communication asserting to act on behalf of USAID that asks for funds, this letter is not valid and does not come from USAID.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID 5101
American Embassy/Bogota

USAID Contact

Susana Grau Batlle
, DC 

Last updated: November 15, 2022

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