Albania Program Updates

Speeches Shim

Last updated: July 12, 2021

Girl prepares table for dinner at hotel.

Since she was a child, Elvira Xhemalaj has been fascinated with nature. She grew up in the Albanian coastal city of Vlore, which is situated along the lush Albanian Riviera between the Adriatic and Ionian seas, separated only by a mountain pass. Growing up surrounded by fauna and flora led her to study biology at a local college.

Chief Judge Enkeledi Hajro of the Tirana District Court reviews her documents.

Audio recording technology and inter-agency collaboration have strengthened Albania’s court system.

Young university student standing next to old bald man. Woman in background takes selfie.

To improve the effectiveness of Albania’s public sector, in 2012 USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project partnered with Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development, an Albanian NGO dedicated to sustainable urban planning, to research on how Albanian cities can apply new financial instruments, such as land value capture, to increase revenues. 

Merxhan Daci, left, and Anxela Ruci at the Faktoje office.

Faktoje is a critical element of USAID’s Justice for All reforms in Albania, which is helping improve government transparency and accountability through responsible journalism.

Women surround table with sewing cloth and equipment

CityTex, a garment factory established using the Yunus social business model, has helped more than 50 rural women in Cerrik in central Albania find employment and sense of community.
