Albania Program Updates

Speeches Shim

Last updated: July 12, 2021

March 21, 2017

USAID/Albania Country Representative, Dr. Catherine Johnson, delivered remarks at a public consultation organized by Council of Europe (CoE) and National Democratic Institute (NDI), with financial support of European Union and British Embassy, on a new campaign finance reporting template and guidance for political parties.

March 14, 2017

The Tourism Investment and Finance Fund (TIFF) led a group of 40 entrepreneurs through a full light test of the Pellumbas Cave near Tirana.

March 8, 2017


March 1, 2017

USAID/Albania's Planning and Local Governance Project Newlsletter, Vol. 4 • No. 8 • February 2017 

Members of the Cerrik Youth Council standing in front of their poster board.

According to the International Labor Organization, Albania ranked first in the world this year in youth unemployment. Youth have expressed discontent with the government for not meeting its obligation to them by effectively implementing the National Action Plan 2015-2020, which was designed “to develop and coordinate cross sectoral policies in education, employment, health, culture and enhance youth participation in social life and decision making processes.”  
