ADS Reference 303mai

Speeches Shim

Model Letters and Procedures for Designating the Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) for Cooperative Agreements and Grants

Mandatory Reference for ADS 303

Partial Revision Date: 08/01/2019
Responsible Office: M/OAA/P
File Name: 303mai_080119


USAID Agreement Officer’s Representatives (AOR) perform a variety of duties, including working as part of a team with the Agreement Officer (AO) to ensure that USAID exercises prudent management over its assistance funds. The AOR monitors the recipient's progress towards achieving the objectives of the Program Description in the subject award and verifies that the recipient’s activities being funded by USAID under the referenced award conform to the terms and conditions of that award. In order to be authorized to manage an assistance award on behalf of the AO, the AOR must complete the mandatory training and must be assigned this responsibility by the AO in an AOR designation letter.

Last updated: June 11, 2020