FY 2023 Congressional Budget Justification - Appendix 1

Speeches Shim

Department of State Diplomatic Engagement

The Secretary of State’s FY 2023 Budget Request for Diplomatic Engagement mobilizes coalitions to address global challenges; shapes an international environment in which the United States can thrive; strengthens democratic institutions; modernizes the diplomatic workforce; and serves U.S. Citizens around the world. To achieve these goals, the FY 2023 Request for Diplomatic Engagement includes $17.5 billion in discretionary appropriations, $5.0 billion in projected fee revenue, and $158.9 million in mandatory appropriations for the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund.

Highlights of the Request include:

Diplomatic Staffing, Operations, and Programs: $5.8 billion

The Department’s FY 2023 Request for Diplomatic Programs (DP) Ongoing Operations is $5.8 billion, including $5.1 billion for Program Operations and $701 million for Public Diplomacy. The Request is a net increase of $409 million (7.6 percent) from the FY 2022 Request. As part of the proposed workforce increase, the DP Request supports 570 new positions, of which 250 would expand the Department’s Professional Development and Training Float. The Request also expands programs to foster workforce diversity and inclusion; strengthens policy expertise on cyberspace, emerging technology, and climate issues; and provides for the proposed 4.6 percent Federal pay raise.

Information Technology: $470 million

The FY 2023 Request includes $470 million for the Capital Investment Fund to enhance global IT capabilities for the Department’s workforce; invest in technology services and data analytics; and mitigate cybersecurity risks. The Request continues cybersecurity prioritization in support of Executive Order 14028, Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, as well as compliance with OMB Memorandum M-22-09, Moving the U.S. Government Toward Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles. The CIF comprises about 15 percent of the Department’s total IT spending across all funding sources.

Diplomatic and Embassy Security: $5.8 billion

The FY 2023 Request protects U.S. government personnel, facilities, and information both domestically and overseas. The $3.8 billion Request for Worldwide Security Protection (WSP) within Diplomatic Programs continues support for overseas security operations and personnel, countering emerging threats to the Department’s employees and others serving under Chief of Mission authority. This includes funding for Anomalous Health Incident (AHI) monitoring and research, to counter the emerging threat of drones to diplomatic facilities, and to strengthen our cybersecurity against malign actors.

The FY 2023 Request of $2.0 billion for Embassy Security Construction and Maintenance provides for secure, safe, and functional diplomatic and consular missions overseas. Combined with other agency contributions, the Request sustains $2.2 billion for the construction and maintenance of secure embassies. The FY 2023 Request also establishes a new accessible housing program to procure such residences at posts with a housing pool.

International Organizations: $4.0 billion

As the United States’ competitors are seeking to expand their influence, the FY 2023 Request includes $2.3 billion for U.N peacekeeping missions, including $730 million to begin paying down about 2/3 of the arrears that have accumulated since 2015. An improved U.S. financial standing will provide leverage in negotiations in the Security Council and General Assembly on needed reforms. The Request for Contributions to International Organizations is nearly $1.7 billion, positioning the United States to support our commitments to entities like NATO, while continuing to press for needed reforms in certain international organizations as well.

Consular and Border Security Program: $5.0 billion in new revenue and $3.8 billion in anticipated spending

The FY 2023 Request for the Consular and Border Security (CBSP) account reflects the continued recovery from the impacts of the pandemic. CBSP provides protection to the lives and security interests of U.S. citizens and contributes to the security of the nation's borders. It is a core element of the coordinated national effort to deny individuals who threaten the country entry into the United States and to facilitate the entry of legitimate travelers. The Request projects $5.0 billion in collections (enhanced by expanded fee authorities) and $3.8 billion in anticipated spending. The Department continues to request flexibility to better align fees with actual costs and adapt to fluctuations in global workload.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 6:30pm

Last updated: May 18, 2022