Performance Indicator Elements

Speeches Shim

A PMP provides detailed information that guides the implementation of performance data collection and analysis for all performance indicators identified in a CDCS.

Missions may choose the format in which they will display information about the performance indicators they will monitor. Missions often introduce their indicators in a PMP using a simple list — Performance Indicators at a Glance. More detailed information is then presented on each indicator. USAID’s Monitoring Toolkit recommends the use of a Summary Performance Indicator Table, which includes baselines and endline targets for each indicator. Other PMPs use separate tables to display substantive features of indicators and indicator Baselines and Targets. Some provide a single page outline of all important information about each indicator, called a Performance Indicator Reference Sheet (PIRS). Still others include both indicator tables and PIRSs. Examples below illustrate these presentation formats and highlight the information they include:

Illustrative Performance Indicator Table

This table captures decisions that have been made about how, when and by whom performance data will be collected, including:

  • Indicator Definition and Unit of Analysis: a precise definition of each indicator and the unit of analysis to be used.
  • Data Disaggregation: the ways in which the data will be disaggregated;
  • Data Sources and Collection Methods: identification of the source of data and how the data will be collected and analyzed;
  • Data Analysis Methods: including the visual display of performance information
  • Frequency, Schedule and Reporting Responsibilities: how often and when data collection will occur.

A sample for this table is shown below.

Performance Indicator

Definition and Unit of Measure

Data Source(s)

Data Dis-aggregated by

Data Collection Method(s)

Data Analysis Method(s)

Frequency and Schedule

Party Responsible


Sustainable, broad-based, private sector-led economic growth accelerated in Country X

Jobs created from exports

Detailed Definition: New jobs that did not previously exist and are directly linked to export production/shipment

Unit of Measure:

  • Number of full time jobs (M/F)
  • Number of part-time jobs (M/F)
Firms that are being assisted by the project
  • Type: full-time; part-time
  • Sex of job holder
  • Sector
  • Target area (e.g., district)
Firm will be asked to share standardized monthly summaries of the number of part-time and full time staff they pay. Implementing partner staff, or local designees, will collect these forms. Data will be analyzed quarterly and annually to determine whether there have been net gains over prior quarter; over same quarter prior year; and over several years. Data will be collected monthly from firms (to minimize problems with data recall over long periods of time) Implementing partner Chief of Party for the activity that delivers export assistance to firms under USAID’s Export Enhancement Project

Missions are also encouraged to monitor the assumptions upon which CDCS results depend. A simple Assumptions Monitoring Plan Table is included in this section for Mission use.

Illustrative Indicator Baselines and Targets Table

This table notes whether an indicator is a standard indicator or a custom indicator and includes information on an indicator's baselines and targets. An example for this table is provided below and a template for it is provided in this section for your use. Information that will help you complete columns in this table is provided in this section.

RF Level Performance Indicator Standard or Custom Baseline Year Baseline Value FY 1 Target FY 2 Target FY 3 Target FY 4Target >FY 5Target Life of Program Target
DO 1 Jobs created from exports Custom 2007-2011 1,502 Under prior project 250 400 700 900 1,150 3,450 Cumulative

In practice these two tables can be combined, but generally the number of descriptors used is reduced. The Summary Performance Indicators Annex included in the sample provided in the Monitoring Toolkit does this, showing some characteristics of indicators, but also including the baseline and endline targets for every indicator.

Performance Indicator Reference Sheet

This form focuses on individual performance indicators, in contrast to the two tables above, which are used to present information on a set of indicators. The PIRS includes all of the information shown in the two tables above for a single performance indicator. The PIRS also includes space for describing Data Quality issues and plans and for discussing the estimated costs of obtaining performance data for the indicator addressed. A sample PIRS is shown below. The template for a PIRS is provided in this kits section for your use.

 << PMP - Performance Management Plan Up Indicator Definition and Unit of Analysis >>



A toolkit developed and implemented by:
Office of Trade and Regulatory Reform
Bureau of Economic Growth, Education, and Environment
US Agency for International Development (USAID)

For more information, please contact Paul Fekete.

Last updated: July 12, 2021

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