U.S. Senate Votes to Confirm Deputy Administrator for Management and Resources Paloma Adams-Allen

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Office of Press Relations

On October 5, the United States Senate voted to confirm Paloma Adams-Allen as USAID’s Deputy Administrator for Management and Resources, a position responsible for assisting in the overall direction of the Agency in its budget, finance, management and institutional policy, operations, and external relations. USAID looks forward to benefiting from her decades of leadership and development expertise to maximize the Agency’s impact and enhance the sustainability of our investments.

Adams-Allen brings a wealth of experience back to USAID, where she served from 2010 to 2016 as Deputy Assistant Administrator and Senior Advisor in the Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean - leading USAID’s public-private partnerships in the region. She also spent a decade in policy and programming roles at the Organization of American States, focused on advancing development goals in the Americas. She returns to the Agency from the Inter-American Foundation, a U.S. agency supporting community-led development in Latin America and the Caribbean, where she served as President and Chief Executive Officer.

Upon her swearing-in, Adams-Allen will provide strategic policy guidance to the Bureaus and independent offices that make USAID’s field-based programming possible including: Office of Budget and Resource Management; Office of Civil Rights and Diversity; Bureau for Foreign Assistance; Office of Human Capital and Talent Management; Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs; Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning; Bureau for Management; Office of Security; and Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.

USAID welcomes Paloma Adams-Allen back to the USAID family, and looks forward to her guidance in championing development solutions as the Agency responds to today’s global challenges and crises.

Last updated: October 05, 2021

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