USAID Announced $200,000 Award to Increase Opportunities for Underrepresented Students in Agriculture and Natural Sciences

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Press Release

For Immediate Release

Thursday, October 20, 2022
Office of Press Relations

In support of the partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a $200,000 award to support the Global Empowerment of Underrepresented Students and Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Program. The award will facilitate in-person and virtual engagements (education and training) and develop training resource materials on geo-specific natural resources as well as food and water security programming. The award will also fund capacity development in the technical areas of gender and social inclusion within food and water security programming and professional development training for students and alumni underrepresented in agriculture, natural resources and overall international development. This will include supporting outreach and recruitment efforts by providing scholarships and awards for students to attend study abroad programs, experiential learning opportunities, and conferences and summits such as the UN Summit. 

In February 2021, USAID officially launched a formal partnership with MANRRS in support of Executive Order 13985 Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities. USAID seeks to strengthen its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) in the workforce and across its partnerships and programming through deliberate and intentional efforts to engage new and underutilized partners. The Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) is a national society with an extensive network of colleges and universities including land-grant and/or minority serving institutions covering Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs). USAID is committed to creating and sustaining a diverse workforce and expanding partnership and research opportunities for non-traditional partners. The award aligns with USAID’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan by supporting the establishment of new recruitment partnerships to build a more diverse pipeline into public service, including the recruitment of individuals from underserved communities.

In addition to this award, the Bureau of Food Security and Resilience’s DEIA Leadership Team is supporting the MANRRS Regional Clusters in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Dallas, Columbus, and Sacramento from September to November. Supporting Regional Clusters will raise awareness about USAID and future career opportunities, encourage diversity and inclusion, and promote the development of leadership skills that will prepare members for a thriving future in international development.

Last updated: December 12, 2022

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