USAID Administrator Samantha Power Visits Sudan

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim


For Immediate Release

Saturday, July 31, 2021

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Rebecca Chalif:‎

Today, Administrator Samantha Power began a multi-day trip to Sudan to strengthen the U.S. Government’s partnership with Sudan’s transitional leaders and the Sudanese people in building a new government and forging democratic institutions following the 2019 revolution that overthrew the regime led by former President Omar Al Bashir—a government responsible for nearly three decades of atrocities against the Sudanese people and systematic corruption.

After arriving in Khartoum, the Administrator spent the first day of her visit in Darfur, where she met North Darfur Governor Nimir Mohammed Abdel Rahman and discussed how the United States can partner with Sudan to help implement the Juba Peace Agreement, particularly the security measures necessary for the people of Darfur to live safely. They also discussed ways to build the capacity of the civil service and community organizations in Darfur, technical support to help fight corruption, and development programs to support the safe and voluntary return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their homes.

Administrator Power then travelled to Zam Zam IDP Camp - the second largest IDP camp in Sudan and where many families have lived for almost two decades. The Administrator toured a USAID-funded solar water pump at the camp that provides safe drinking water to more than 23,000 people. The Administrator also met with women residents of Zam Zam and discussed their experiences living under the brutality of the former regime, their pivotal role in protesting for change, and the hope the transitional government represents. They also talked about how USAID can address the lack of access to adequate nutrition and health care services, including for pregnant women and young children, in the camp.

Administrator Power sat down with a group of women journalists who recently participated in a USAID professional development program. They discussed the restrictions and fear they faced as reporters before the revolution, the unique challenges women face as reporters, and the critical role a vibrant free press must play as part of Sudan’s democratic transition. The Administrator also visited a community center in El Fasher and spoke with Sudanese young people about their transitional justice advocacy work and the role of youth in charting a path for Sudan’s democratic future.

Since conflict emerged in Darfur in 2003, the U.S. Government through USAID has provided lifesaving humanitarian assistance to people in need in Darfur, as the largest donor to that crisis response. This year alone, USAID has provided more than $284 million in humanitarian assistance to people in need in Sudan, including Darfur.

Last updated: October 26, 2021

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