flag of Mozambique


Speeches Shim

February 10, 2022


February 3, 2022

Nutritious, Environmentally Friendly, Cheap!  These are a few of the words used by people all over the world to describe pulses.  So, what is a pulse and why has the United Nations designated a special day – February 10th – to recognize their importance and promote their use? 

February 3, 2022

Male circumcision reduces female to male sexual transmission of HIV by 60% and is a highly cost-effective means of reducing infection rates.  Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has historically been a priority for the Mozambique Ministry of Health (MOH), however, the VMMC program has consistently not met goals particularly among males 15-29. Mozambique's voluntary medical male circumcision initiative was initiated in Manica and Tete after other provinces. The rates have been the lowest in the country across all age groups, but particularly among this priority population. Recent gains in these rates have been seen since USAID VMMC began in 2019, but more work is needed to reach the goal of 80 percent of the target population.  


Last updated: February 10, 2022

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