flag of Mozambique


Speeches Shim

August 3, 2022

The Transformation of Rural Water and Sanitation Hygiene Service Delivery in Mozambique programme (T-WASH) aims to drive sustainable improvements to WASH service delivery in poor local communities through building capacity of national systems and incentivizing improved service delivery at the local level by instituting a set of performance indicators linked to financial support. USAID/Mozambique is supporting PRONASAR through a Delegated Cooperation Agreement (DCAR) signed with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

August 3, 2022

Agriculture is one of the most effective drivers of inclusive economic growth, having the highest multiplier effects on poverty alleviation, estimated to be four times the impact on poverty reduction compared to other sectors of the economy. Subsequently, a study from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) found that a 1% growth in the agriculture GDP results in a 2.6% reduction in poverty, compared to 1% overall GDP growth resulting in only 0.25% reduction in poverty. Mozambique ranks 181 out of 189 on the UN Human Development Index, a reflection of the depth of poverty and poor social indicators such as literacy, malnutrition and maternal mortality.

August 3, 2022

In Mozambique women and newborns die or suffer disproportionately from preventable and/or treatable complications of childbirth. Additionally, an estimated 2,500 women each year develop an obstetric fistula. Yet access to safe obstetric surgeries - including cesarean deliveries, fistula repair and hysterectomies remains limited across the country. The health system’s capacity to provide these services is hampered by a lack of trained staff and basic equipment.

August 3, 2022

In Mozambique, immunization coverage has stagnated over the past years resulting in continued vaccine-preventable deaths and complications in children. For instance, DPT3 has stagnated at 88% since 2014. The percentage of children immunized against major vaccine-preventable diseases increased marginally from 63% in 2003 (DHS 2003) to 64% in 2011 (DHS 2011) and to 66% in 2015 (IMASIDA 2015).

August 3, 2022

In Mozambique, one out of every 67 women dies in childbirth, three times higher than the global average. This high maternal mortality rate, along with high fertility rates and other serious health issues for mothers and children, is exacerbated by a lack of access to reproductive health care and family planning services in Mozambique.


Last updated: March 09, 2022

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