Global Health Supply Chain - Procurement and Supply Management (PSM)

Speeches Shim


Mozambique’s health system has improved over the last several decades, but the gains are not enough to effectively manage the significant health challenges facing the country. The health supply chain in particular has struggled to keep up with the growing and increasingly complex demands of the health system. While the Central Medical Stores (CMAM) is tasked with managing Mozambique’s medical commodities supply chain, it has limited resources to effectively implement all the necessary functions such as warehousing, distribution, commodity quantification, stock procurement, logistics management, monitoring and evaluation, and staff training. Limited warehousing space and staff specialized in supply chain and logistics pose significant challenges to adequate supply chain management. The supply chain also lacks end-to-end visibility in the logistics management information systems (LMIS). While information systems exist to meet the basic needs of the health system, the quality of data is too inconsistent for reliable decision-making and planning. 


The PSM project provides direct support to CMAM, the Provincial Health Directorates (DPS) and the National Directorate for Medical Assistance - Central Repartition of Laboratory (DNAM-RCL) to strengthen the health commodity and laboratory supply chain. Support included technical training, embedded experts, equipment and infrastructure assistance. Particular focus is given to building the capacity of staff in provincial and district warehouses and facilities. The project also provides direct procurement and supply chain management support for key HIV/AIDS, malaria, family planning, nutrition, and maternal and child health commodities. 


PSM provides training and tools to CMAM, DPS, RCL and other directorates and departments within the Ministry of Health (MISAU) to enable the efficient and effective management of the supply chain beyond the life of the project. Specific expected results include:

  • Accurate supply forecasting, timely procurement, and pipeline monitoring to identify gaps;
  • Successful commodities planning that allows for expansion of service for new regimens; 
  • Active collaboration between Global Fund, MOH programs, CMAM, PEPFAR, and IPs to ensure commodity security;
  • Consistent monitoring of stock levels, consumption, and distribution to ensure commodity availability of commodities at provincial, district, and community levels; and
  • Improved information systems that provide accurate data on stocks and consumption.

Achievement of these objectives will provide Mozambicans with access to high-quality, low-cost medicines and health commodities which, in turn, allow millions to live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. 

Issuing Country 
Monday, April 11, 2022 - 7:45am

Last updated: April 27, 2022