Building Social Cohesion in Northern Mozambique

Speeches Shim


Despite having significant economic potential in terms of natural resources and tourism, Cabo Delgado is one of the poorest regions in Mozambique and is a hub for wildlife, human and drug trafficking; it also has the highest illiteracy rate in the country, a history of economic marginalization and high unemployment rates. Since October 2017, the province has seen an increase in violent attacks, creating a climate of fear and distrust in communities. The insecurity has forced over 750,000 individuals out of their homes and into host communities, overstretching resilience capacities. The devastation caused by Cyclone Kenneth in April 2019 destroyed over 45,000 homes in Cabo Delgado and Nampula as well as farmland, livestock and fisheries. This has further compounded the economic difficulties in the region and tension within communities. 


Project activities focus on developing community-led economic and social opportunities that strengthen positive relationships and support systems, creating conditions for communities to co-exist peacefully and resolve tensions through non-violent means. At the individual level, counselors work with community members, particularly youth, to share information on livelihood options and develop a plan for building the skills necessary to sustain selected livelihood activities as well as provide referrals to basic services, including mental health and psychosocial counseling.   At the community level, revitalization projects increase community engagement and well-being through infrastructure projects (such as repairing a school) that can also provide cash-for-work opportunities. Community committees with diverse representation develop and oversee the projects. To increase national capacity, the project also supports government strategies that increase confidence between communities and authorities and promote peace. The project contributes to the available body of literature on the Cabo Delgado context through research that enables a deeper understanding of community dynamics and informs effective programming.


The project will reduce the vulnerability of and increase the resilience of communities and individuals in Cabo Delgado.  More specifically:

  • 1,000 individuals will receive employment information, counseling and referral services. 
  • 32,000 community members will benefit from community-based revitalization projects.
  • Community groups (including representatives from youth, women and other vulnerable groups) will be formed and active.
  • Government strategies to increase confidence and build relationships with communities affected by violence will be supported.
Issuing Country 
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 7:00am

Last updated: April 27, 2022