Honoring International Human Rights Day

Press Release Shim

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Statement By Administrator Samantha Power

For Immediate Release

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Seventy-four years ago today, the newly founded United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – enshrining a shared global understanding that “all human beings are born equal in dignity and in rights.” As we honor that anniversary on International Human Rights Day, the United States renews our commitment to protecting the basic rights and freedoms of all people and celebrates those leading the fight to uphold human rights across the world. 

That fight has taken on new urgency over the past year. Freedom House’s 2022 Report shows that this year, citizens in 60 countries have suffered a decline in freedoms, while citizens in just 25 saw freedoms improve. These declines include places like Afghanistan, where women’s rights are under assault; Iran, where government repression has sparked women and youth to lead a brave protest movement; and the People’s Republic of China, where freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are suppressed daily. And of course, Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine has challenged the most fundamental rights enumerated in that first Universal Declaration – those of “life, liberty, and security of person.”

In the face of these growing threats, however, mass movements to protect human rights have gained momentum in countries throughout the world. And after Putin’s invasion, a powerful global coalition of support formed to back the Ukrainians bravely standing up for their rights. We, at USAID, are grateful to be part of that coalition – protecting Ukrainian human rights defenders and supporting their efforts to document war crimes so that Russian forces can be held accountable in spite of the Kremlin’s mass campaigns to deny these atrocities. And we look forward to President Biden’s second Summit for Democracy this coming spring, which will mobilize allies from around the world to advance democracy. 

To those leading the fight to advance human rights in the face of violence and hostility – from environmental activists to labor organizers, from peaceful protestors to intrepid investigative journalists – the United States stands with you. Together, we will continue to defend human rights and uphold the dignity of every individual.

Last updated: December 12, 2022

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