Combatting Wildlife Crime

Speeches Shim

East Africa has made significant strides in reducing poaching of iconic wildlife species, but the demand for wildlife products and use of sophisticated poaching methods continues to threaten the security, economy, and biodiversity of East Africa. International networks for poaching, transit, and sale of illegal wildlife products target wildlife populations across borders, creating a complex problem that transcends national boundaries.  East Africa’s tourism industry depends heavily on wildlife and protected areas, and prior to the pandemic, brought over $6 billion to the region each year.

Reducing or eliminating wildlife crime also contributes to supporting stronger cross-border security, stability, and resilience in the region.  In line with the U.S. National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking and the U.S. Eliminate, Neutralize and Disrupt Wildlife Trafficking Act, USAID is taking urgent action to enhance wildlife management and the enforcement and prosecution of wildlife crime in East Africa. 

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 9:15am

Last updated: May 19, 2022