USAID Guide To Countering Corruption Across Sectors

Speeches Shim

USAID’s Guide to Countering Corruption Across Sectors underscores the centrality of addressing corruption to achieving sustainable development outcomes and humanitarian assistance objectives. The release of the Guide recognizes USAID’s understanding that effectively elevating the fight against corruption requires us to tackle the problem from multiple angles and across all sectors.   

To advance these goals, this groundbreaking Guide lays out practical, practitioner-oriented guidance for USAID staff, implementers, and the broader anti-corruption community on identifying and capitalizing on opportunities to address corruption through sectoral approaches. The Guide articulates common corruption challenges across different USAID sectors and lines of effort; identifies points of entry for addressing them; spurs thinking and creativity in decision-making around integration; and presents high-level programmatic options for integrating anti-corruption approaches across USAID’s portfolio.

Friday, October 14, 2022 - 3:15pm

Last updated: October 17, 2022