How can your company help fight COVID-19 in South Africa?

Speeches Shim

How can your company help fight COVID-19 in South Africa?

Depending on the specific intervention, private sector assistance could take the form of:

  • Expertise and skill sets (e.g., supply chain, data analytics, marketing/communications, technology and innovation)
  • Use of company assets (e.g., locations for vaccinations, equipment)
  • Collaboration with and/or funding of local or international organizations undertaking COVID response programs
  • Provision of funding or donated items to government entities

Country-Specific Needs

Increasing Vaccine Access & Delivery

Demand Generation, Incentives, and Messaging

  • Provide technical and financial assistance for design, generation, and/or distribution of messaging to increase demand creation in priority districts
  • Support geo-mapping and analytics to drive and strengthen demand creation (profiling, hesitancy mapping, participatory mapping)
  • If present in the country, increase vaccine awareness and access amongst your organization’s staff

Vaccine Distribution, Planning, and Sites of Delivery

  • Provide facility infrastructure enhancements for reliable operations and connectivity in harder-to-reach areas (e.g., generators; solar power systems and batteries; ICT infrastructure that extends access to reliable data and internet connectivity)
  • Leverage in-country locations (e.g., storefronts) for temporary/mobile vaccine site set-up and implementation
  • Provide donations for, or of, tablets, mobile devices and SIM cards to collect data and increase availability of data for district vaccination teams.
  • Provide technical assistance for detailed planning to ensure vaccine distribution in hard-to-reach locations and at-risk populations

Logistics, Warehousing, and Infrastructure

  • Provide, or support financially, vehicles and fuel for district vaccination campaigns

Expanding Availability of Tests, Therapeutics, and/or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Data and Monitoring

  • Provide and expand cloud hosting services for nation-wide vaccine data in line with broader National Department of Health data systems targets
  • Provide specialized IT support to improve Stock Visibility Systems (SVS) for reporting compliance, as well as to develop and implement a digital platform to monitor/audit cold chain capacity
  • Support creation and implementation of district vaccination dashboards and technical assistance where needed
  • Support development and implementation of integrated wastage monitoring tools
  • Enhance data collection systems to track Human Resource for Health –to help identify skills gaps for vaccine delivery capacity strengthening.

Staffing, Training, and Administration

  • Develop menu of courses and training delivery methods customized for different health care workers
  • Training in cold chain management in targeted provinces


  • Support efforts to ensure children who have lost parents due to COVID-19 remain in nurturing, protective family care via targeted support to families, e.g. family strengthening and economic support, parenting and psychosocial support, early childhood care, and/or educational support.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 10:45am

Last updated: May 31, 2022