Remarks by the Chargé d’Affaires Benjamin Wohlauer, Launch of the Morodok Baitang “Green Heritage” Project

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

(as prepared for delivery)


  • H.E. Dr. Say Samal, Minister of Environment
  • H.E. Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce
  • H.E. Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 
  • Other distinguished guests and partners

Proud of the investments USG has made towards climate change and sustainable development. Since 2008, USG invested over $100 million on environment and climate change programs.

Through environment programs, USAID leveraged investments of over $50 million for forest management and biodiversity conservation and reduced over 25 million metric tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from deforestation and land use change.

You may have heard about the release of a Giant Stingray to the Mekong via local and international media recently.  USAID’s outreach and research activities help to protect the Mekong giant stingray and Cambodia’s biodiversity through building relationships with people who directly rely on natural resources for their livelihoods and more broadly with Cambodian youth through social media outreach.

USAID Morodok Baitang builds on the successes of USAID’s development programming including using private sector led approaches and working with local communities to build their capacity to sustainably manage natural resources. 

We are here to launch a new $24 million, 5-year program called USAID Morodok Baitang, or Green Legacy. 

This new program will be active in Keo Seima, the Cardamom mountains, Lumphat (in Ratanakiri), and Siem Pang (in Stung Treng).  USAID Morodok Baitang will work closely with local communities, the private sector, and development partners to create job opportunities and climate-smart business models that promote conservation and sustainable economic growth for Cambodia.

Our shared goal is to demonstrate that the value of the products and ecosystem services from forests, such as resin, honey, and ecotourism initiatives, will be worth more than timber itself. We want to help local communities and other stakeholders to keep forest cover intact.

This new project complements the Ministry of Environment’s long-term strategy for carbon neutrality.  It will focus on the national protected areas strategic management plan including Cambodia’s initiatives to expand carbon credit sales.  It will enhance the commitment of large- and small-scale businesses to environmentally sound practices.  It will also promote biodiversity conservation and expand livelihood opportunities. 

The United States is committed to tackling the global climate crisis in partnership with Cambodia.  Cambodia plays a large role in this, through the protection and conservation of lush forests and habitats.  These efforts help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute towards the global fight against climate change.

I would like to thank the Ministry of Environment for their support, and recognize the private sector, local communities, indigenous communities, small and medium enterprises, and other development partners that will partner with us as we work together to make USAID Morodok Baitang a success. 

Issuing Country 

Last updated: September 02, 2022

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