Remarks by Andrea Pavlick, Environment Team Lead, Sustainable Economic Growth Office, USAID/Cambodia, Launch of “Zero-Snaring Campaign in Mondulkiri”

Speeches Shim

Friday, July 29, 2022
Remarks by Andrea Pavlick, Environment Team Lead, Sustainable Economic Growth Office, USAID/Cambodia, Launch of “Zero-Snaring Campaign in Mondulkiri”

(as prepared for delivery)


●      H.E. Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment

●      H.E. Thong Savun, Governor of Mondulkiri Province

●      Other distinguished guests and partners

Wildlife is an important part of Cambodia's national heritage and can be an integral part of development. It benefits both the national economy and people’s livelihoods. But Cambodia’s natural resources and wildlife are threatened by the high demand for both luxury wood and wildlife products.

The campaign that brings us together today aims to create awareness around the issue of snaring. In particular, it will focus on conservation-friendly, market-based approaches as a means to address snaring and other threats that face Cambodia’s protected areas and biodiversity.

USAID is proud to be part of this zero-snaring campaign led by the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with partners such as World Wide Fund for Nature, the Wildlife Conservation Society, BirdLife, the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific, and Wild Earth Allies.

Over the past two decades, USAID has invested over $100 million to support Cambodians in the protection of their natural resources and their response to climate challenges.  Our commitment to conservation is reflected in the recent award of the USAID Morodok Baitang project - a new, 5-year $24 million activity which will work closely with the private sector to encourage the protection of Cambodia’s natural resources. Morodok Baitang will work in four major protected areas: Keo Seima, Lomphat, Siempang, and Cardamoms

The new activity will build on previous successes in ecotourism, REDD+, and the conservation-friendly IBIS Rice initiative to provide powerful incentives against snaring and other threats to Cambodia’s biodiversity.  It complements the Cambodian Government’s long-term strategy for carbon neutrality – particularly with initiatives to expand carbon credit sales and enhance the commitment of large- and small-scale businesses to environmentally sound practices.

But these efforts cannot work in isolation. By working together, I know we can improve the protection of Cambodia’s forests, wildlife, and natural resources.

In closing, I want to recognize the Ministry of Environment, local authorities, indigenous communities, private sector representatives, and development partners here with us today. Thank you for working with us to end snaring, the use of wildlife products, the sale, and consumption of bushmeat.

Mondulkiri Province
Issuing Country 

Last updated: September 02, 2022

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