Remarks by Ms. Hanh Nguyen, Acting Mission Director, USAID/Cambodia, Women Entrepreneurs Act Kampong Cham Office Opening

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

(as prepared for delivery)


  • Ms. Sabine Joukes and the WE Act team.
  • Women entrepreneurs and representatives of associations in Kampong Cham.
  • Distinguished ladies and gentlemen

I am honored to be here with you today to support young women entrepreneurs in the province and region.  We are pleased to work with our longstanding partner – Pact Cambodia – who implements the Women Entrepreneurs Act – or WE Act – project.

This year, the U.S. Embassy is showcasing the shared values that drive U.S. and Cambodian cooperation. This quarter, we are focusing on Prosperity and Sustainability, and our support to female entrepreneurs is just one example of our collaboration to help all Cambodians benefit from the country’s growing prosperity.

This project reflects one of USAID’s global priorities, funding successful entrepreneur-strengthening projects around the world.  In particular, we try to strengthen the eco-system for female entrepreneurs, from reforming the policy framework, to enabling women to compete on an equal footing with their male counterparts by providing access to financing and venture capital.

With a supportive entrepreneurship ecosystem, Cambodia will see a dramatic and positive change in the next decade. A supportive entrepreneurship ecosystem will encourage the growth of thriving, women-owned small and medium businesses, and a stronger involvement of women in Cambodia’s economic and civic life.

Public policy is essential to make that future a reality. That is why we appreciate the Royal Government of Cambodia’s focus on entrepreneurship and applaud the Government’s efforts to encourage the country’s businesswomen.

Many services for young Cambodian entrepreneurs have been available only in Phnom Penh. Women and men have had to travel long distances to benefit from such assistance. Through provincial WE Act offices, USAID makes these services available in Siem Reap, Battambang, and - with the opening of this office - in Kampong Cham. Later this month, WE Act will also offer services in Kampot and Preah Sihanouk.

On behalf of USAID, I encourage everyone here to take advantage of what WE Act will have to offer in Kampong Cham. We want as many women as possible to benefit!   

We look forward to working together to help women realize their economic potentials and find their voices as citizens.

Thank you and good luck!


Kampong Cham
Issuing Country 

Last updated: September 02, 2022

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