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Co-creation Workshop for the Great Lakes Region

Dates: December 7 - 9, 2022

Location: Kiriri Gardens Hotel, Bujumbura, Burundi

This co-creation workshop gathers experts from diverse backgrounds and fields, coming from the Great Lakes Region to discuss and co-create rapid interventions in agriculture that would address the food insecurity in the region. To find out more about the initiative and the next steps, please click here

Click here to download the full agenda.

The following presentations are available for download: 

Building on CIALCA

USAID/Burundi Presentation

Gender and Youth: Responsive Agriculture

International Institute for Tropical Agriculture 


IITA Dries Roobroeck

IITA Paddy Preparation and Leveling

IITA Aphid control, Drying and cooling vegetables

IITA Potato


Bernard Valnauwe: Priority Value Chains

EiA; Bernard Vanlauwe

Zachary Stewart: Space to Place

Latha Nagarajan: Fertilizer Situation Analysis

Konlambigue Matijeyedou: Panel on Approaches

Joe Devries: Seed Systems

If you are a workshop participant and you wish to receive a full list of attendees with contact information, please email: ilawrence@usaid.gov

Last updated: December 09, 2022

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