Flag of Burundi

Our Work

Speeches Shim

USAID is helping Burundi rebuild its social services
Stan Stalla/USAID

Agriculture and Food Security

We provide emergency food assistance to vulnerable, food insecure Burundians and refugees, promote better family nutrition, and help local health centers treat malnutrition.  We increase and diversify household crop and livestock production by strengthening producer organizations and promoting veterinary services.

Democracy, Human Rights and Governance

Our programs train and create forums for participants to find peaceful solutions to conflict.  We promote respect for human rights, and nuture the capacity of youth-leaders to participate in problem-solving and youth-led reconciliation activities within their communities.  Implementing partners strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to help ensure the long-term sustainability of activities. 

Economic Growth and Trade

Fostering economic opportunity is a strategy across many of our programs in Burundi.  Partners provide economic incentives, such as vocational training and cash for work, as well as support for savings and loan groups and creating micro-enterprises.  Through a partnership with the private sector in the coffee sector, we equip farmers with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to improve both quality and productivity.     

Global Health

We improve the health of Burundians by providing access to quality HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, family planning and malaria services.  We strengthen the health system by ensuring the timely distribution of lifesaving medicines, accurate laboratory diagnostics and testing, and access to health information.  We emphasize the involvement of women and children in all health activities with the belief that investing in the health of women and girls will have a long lasting, intergenerational impact.  We support general maternal services, including community sensitization to encourage assisted delivery. We also support activities to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and provide services to survivors. 

Learn more about our work in East Africa

Last updated: November 03, 2022

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