Flag of Albania


Language: English

Speeches Shim

October 2, 2018

Worldwide, USAID is reorienting its development vision towards strengthening its partner countries’ “self-reliance” – that is, each country’s ability to plan, finance, and implement solutions aimed at addressing its own development challenges. To help USAID better understand each country’s progress towards self-reliance, USAID developed the Country Roadmap tool - drawing on 17 public, third party indicators that reflect a country’s “Commitment” and “Capacity” to plan, finance, and manage its own development journey

Albanian youth in a group discussion at a local mosque.
September 14, 2018

A significant number of foreign fighters come from a combination of Albania and Albanian-majority areas of Kosovo and Macedonia. The Government of Albania (GoA) has taken steps to lead the region in countering/preventing violent extremism. USAID will support the GoA’s efforts to combat religious radicalism and violent extremism through prevention initiatives involving state institutions and agencies operating in the areas of local governance, education, social affairs, youth, employment, and anti-discrimination

September 14, 2018

While civil society development is a cross‐cutting issue of USAID/Albania programs, in 2017 USAID began a standalone activity focused on civil society development. Currently, USAID/Albania supports with financial, technical, or a combination of both approximately 80 organizations. 

Traditional Albanian dancing troupe performing at a tourism development event.
September 12, 2018

Albania’s government has prioritized job creation and strengthening key sectors, including tourism. The direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in 2013 was 4.8% of GDP while the total contribution (including wider effects from investment and the supply chain) was about 17% according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. It is expected that the contribution to GDP from this sector will increase in coming years.

This Albanian anti-corruption campaign poster reads "Stop Corruption - Don't trade away with your rights!"
September 11, 2018

USAID/Albania projects work to improve government and judicial accountability, transparency, and efficiency. We partner with government institutions, the media, and civil society organizations to support transparent and efficient systems that hold public officials accountable to its citizens and minimize corruption in government, the judiciary, and financial sectors.


Last updated: July 21, 2021

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