FACT SHEET: Diber: Trails and Traditions

Speeches Shim

Woman speak in front of a group of women sitting in an outdoor field
Diber: Trails and Traditions project hold a community meeting for the Village Development Plans in two pilot touristic villages, Rabdisht and Kercisht. More than 70 men and women joined the meetings in both villages.
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation


Name: Diber: Trails and Tradition
Duration: March 2017 – March 2020
Budget: $1, 046,689
Implementer: Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation


Diber, one of Albania’s most beautiful mountainous regions, surrounded by Deshat-Korab and Lure-Selishtë mountain ranges, with 21 glacial lakes, two national parks, and well-known thermal baths, has the potential to support a vibrant tourism industry. Yet, the area has poor infrastructure and road access, there has been little private sector engagement, and high levels of poverty and unemployment persist.

Diber: Trails and Tradition project seeks to increase employment, particularly among youth and women, and to increase incomes of Diber families involved in the tourism supply chain. The project aims to develop and promote sustainable tourism enterprises in communities in northern Albania.



Working in close partnership with the Municipality of Diber, the project will support improved governance, planning, and public services, foster private sector opportunities and partnerships, and improve the marketing and ICT infrastructure in relation to tourism development.


The project aims to increase awareness of the tourism model, improve the quality and technical skills of producers and suppliers of products and services, and create an internship program targeted to youth and volunteers.


The project will design, develop, and promote integrated specialized products using evidence-based tools and participatory approaches to assure ownership and to serve as future models.

  • Establish a self-governing, cross-sectoral institution (Forumi Dibra Turistike) which effectively plans, coordinates, and promotes tourism in Diber
  • Develop a Tourism Action Plan (TAP) for the Diber Municipality through a participatory process with attention to tradition, natural assets, agriculture, sustainability, gender and environmental compliance
  • Improved operation of a quality Tourist Information Center (TIC), via the formation of a PPP and increased staff capacities for the management and operation of the TIC, quality customer service and market information
  • Create business to business linkages and partnerships among and between touristic suppliers and agriculture and handicraft producers
  • Build a sustainable marketing plan with an ICT web/social media platform to promote and support tourism in Diber
  • Train qualified group of local tour guides (guiding services)
  • Develop vocational training, formal internships and volunteer placements for local youth
  • Identify and develop  5 “day-trip” itineraries
  • Identify and mark 5 thematic trails, including marking of roads, village signage; hiking/biking/caravan maps; and informational booklets
  • Establish of two model traditional touristic villages

Last updated: July 12, 2021

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