FACT SHEET: AgroTourism Albania

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A young man dressed in traditional clothes holds a basket of pomegranites
USAID will help commercialize six family farms in northern Albania to support agrotourism and employment in rural communities.
Jonida Shano, CEED Albania


Name: AgroTourism Albania
Duration: September 2016 – September 2019
Budget: $695,270
Implementer: CEED Albania


Despite robust growth in recent years, a quarter of Albania’s population lives below the poverty level of $2 per day. Northern Albania which is largely rural and mountainous is the poorest region, with the highest poverty levels in the north-eastern districts of Kukes, Puka, Malsi e Madhe and Dibra, with 80 percent of families' incomes from social protection and economic assistance. Situated in Albania’s alpine region, there is huge potential for tourism development with opportunities for ecotourism, adventure tourism, and agrotourism catering to both international and local visitors.

USAID and the Government of Sweden activities seek to contribute to improvements in Albania’s tourism sector, including improvements to Albania’s business enabling environment and workforce capacities, to serve as catalysts for job creation and economic growth.

The AgroTourism project aims to improve the living conditions of inhabitants of rural areas of Shkodra, Malësi e Madhë and Puka through employment in a sustainable and vibrant agro-tourism sector. The project will support the creation of replicable agrotourism models, providing technical assistance to six fully operational agro-tourism farms in the region. It is implemented by an Albanian NGO, CEED Albania, which provides entrepreneurs business know-how through its accelerator programs and connects participants to mentors and to a community of entrepreneurs that can help take their small businesses to next level.



The project will conduct an assessment of ways to promote sustainable tourism enterprises in communities in northern Albania. The project aims to establish six high potential agro tourism farms to help highlight marketable characteristics, prepare and deliver training on farming and hospitality, and help design promotional campaigns.


The project will support marketing and promotion efforts to promote the growth of individual enterprises and surrounding businesses for local communities. Partners include: tour operators, local tourism agencies, tourist information centers, and municipalities.


The project will work with enterprises to increase their knowledge on business practices, hospitality standards, improved farming processes, and environmental standards for their operations through trainings, workshops, roundtables and other capacity building activities. A special focus will be to empower women’s decision-making role in operating and managing enterprises.


The project will engage local stakeholders and communities with the aim of establishing working groups in each of the municipalities.

  • Establishment of six fully functioning agro tourism businesses, two in each of the considered municipalities
  • Agro tourism in the areas of Shkodra, Malesi e Madhe and Puka is promoted
  • Approximately 130 people will have new or better employment in farms and other agro tourism related fields
  • 16 farms assisted with financial and technical assistance for creating an agro tourism model
  • Gender issues are alleviated through employment and promotion of women in decision making positions
  • Establishment of an inclusive entrepreneurial environment through the engagement of local businesses, associations and municipalities

Last updated: July 12, 2021

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