FACT SHEET: Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation

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Civil society meeting
USAID's Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Project supports organizations working in the democracy and governance sector in Albania.
Erald Lamja for USAID/Albania


Name: USAID Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Program
Duration: January 2017 – July 2020
Budget: $2,078,919
Implementer: Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center (ANTTARC)

In countries with more robust democratic institutions, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play a vital role in government oversight and policy advocacy. However, the development of civil society in Albania is still weak. CSOs are often seen to be performing well on the supply side (technical input) of the reform process, but often viewed as weak and reactive on the demand side (advocacy). The voice of civil society very often is muted and disunited on key national issues, instead of being the driving force behind reform and holding the government accountable.

In January 2017, USAID began its Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Project, a three and a half year project designed to support organizations working in the democracy and governance sector in Albania and strengthen their efforts to fight corruption in Albania; support avenues for meaningful public participation and oversight; improve efficiency and effectiveness in governance and government services; and support public-private partnerships. The project also assists Government of Albania institutions to improve their performance by making them more efficient and accountable to the civil society and citizens. 



The project will assess organizational capacity and develop interventions to improve the ability of CSOs to work effectively as watchdogs to reduce corruption, improve government services, and expand civic education, as well as address internal management of their own resources. Examples of training include organizational development, financial management, strategic planning, program design and management, networking and fundraising as agreed upon with beneficiary organizations.


Through this project, USAID will award grants to local organizations, to target selected areas, including (but not limited to) election oversight, women’s empowerment, marginalized population rights, anti-corruption, and increased citizen oversight. The grants will provide practical experience for the capacity building training organizations will receive.

  • Capacities at the individual, institutional, coalition/network, and systems levels built
  • Initiatives to build trust and foster democracy and inclusive socio-economic growth through advocacy, stakeholder dialogue, and joint action designed
  • Local partners’ performance through innovation, dissemination of international best practices, formal training, introduction of new technologies, “learning by doing,” study tours, and other activities enhanced
  • Community service delivery oversight committees to enhance government accountability established
  • Good governance monitoring (including surveys, analyses, and corruption assessment reports) implemented
  • Citizen-government engagement institutionalized
  • Sustainability of CSOs improved
  • Knowledge and skills for women and marginalized groups enhanced

Last updated: July 12, 2021

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