Albania’s Journey to Self Reliance & The U.S. Albania Transparency Academy

Speeches Shim

Since 1992, USAID has invested more than $500 million in Albania to support political pluralism; civil society; effective local governments; independent media; the rule of law; the energy and health sectors; free-market economic systems; and sustainable economic growth, including through the development of tourism, and micro-enterprise partnerships. This assistance over the past 28 years has led to significant political and economic reforms in Albania. Today, Albania is advanced in its journey to self-reliance for a middle-income country, having demonstrated its commitment and capacity to plan, finance, and implement solutions to its own development challenges. These achievements show Albania is well-positioned to take on more ownership of its development challenges.

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Monday, December 7, 2020 - 10:15am

Last updated: December 07, 2020